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      Continental Business Consulting
      Global Team Delivers Rock-Solid Resilience

      Legal Notice

      Translation only. The only legally binding version of this document is the German version.

      Use of the website, product liability

      The information on this website is non-binding and is made available exclusively for informational purposes. It is only of an informative nature and does not represent offers as defined in the relevant legal regulations. Further information and contractual conditions can be obtained through the responsible authorized dealers. It is not possible for a contract relating to goods presented to arise on the basis of the information contained on the website.

      The information on the website and the products and services described in that information can be changed or updated by Continental AG at any time and without prior notice. Unless explicitly stated elsewhere, the Continental websites contain no guarantees or quality descriptions for which Continental is liable – either explicit or tacit – nor with respect to the topicality, accuracy, completeness and quality of the information.

      Continental AG does not assume any liability in conjunction with its websites. Liability for any direct or indirect damages, compensation claims, consequential damages of any kind and on any legal basis arising from access to or use of the websites, and particularly in connection with virus infections of users’ computing environments, is excluded.

      For the purposes of the establishment and fulfillment of obligations as well as the liability of Continental AG for Continental products and services, the sole binding authority in each case is the respective contractual agreements including the terms and conditions of Continental AG in their respective current versions.

      Links to other websites         

      Links to websites of third parties are provided to you as an additional service. These websites are completely independent and outside the control of Continental AG. Continental AG is not liable for the content of any of these third-party websites that are accessed from the Continental websites, and assumes no responsibility for the content, data protection provisions or use of such websites.

      Worldwide availability of products

      This website may contain information about Continental products which are not available in your country. The existence of such information on this website does not imply an intention on the part of Continental AG to assert the availability of any such products everywhere in the world. Please inquire through your Continental dealership or representative to learn more about the future plans for products that are not currently available to you.

      Brands and copyright laws

      The brands and logos (“trademarks”) shown on these websites are the property of Continental AG or its subsidiaries. None of the information on these websites is to be interpreted as granting licenses or brands. The express written consent of Continental AG is necessary for this. Unauthorized use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited. Continental AG will assert its intellectual property rights worldwide within the scope of the applicable legislation.

      Continental AG and its subsidiaries are the copyright holders of the photos and figures (“works”) depicted on this website or are authorized to use the depicted copyright-protected works. Unless expressly permitted on this website, none of the information on this website shall be construed as granting licenses for these works. The express written consent of Continental AG is necessary for this. Unauthorized use of these works is strictly prohibited. Continental AG will assert its copyrights worldwide within the scope of the applicable legislation.